Rizmi oh rizmi..

pejam celik pejam celik..tup2 dah lebih separuh bulan kita berpuasa..cepat je kn?  dulu masa kecik2, time bulan puasa ni la, aku dok terbaring jer depan tv tunggu waktu berbuka..dh takde tenaga kononnya nak buat keje..hehe..skang, bila dah besar, no more perangai macam tu.

now, anakku pun dah 1 tahun 4 bln. cepat btol dia membesar..rasa macam baru jer dia lahir..btol tak mr daddy?dah besar ni, macam2 perangai and ragam plak dia buat. contohnya, if dia tak dapat barang yang dia nak, dia akan merajuk and menangis terguling2..mm, ni mesti gara2 tgk byk sgt citer pingu yang nakal tu..( tak pasal2 pingu plak yang disalahkan..heheh..). tapi lagi dia buat macam tu, lagi la kuat aku menyakat dia..sorry ye dedek..

petang td, masa tgh keje kat A&E, my hubby call me, ask about kuih raya that i order from my colleague whether dah dapat ke blom..??patutlah dia call..ada udang disebalik mee rupanya..

actually,yesterday, i got sample of almond london in a small round tupperware..but dpt 3 pieces only..so my hubby ate 1 piece and the rest eaten by our dedek.so today, our dedek found that tupperware while playing but he thought the cookies are still there.. so he is really excited..however, when he found out that the tupperware is empty, he throws a tantrum..hehehe..our cute dedek..so kesian..luckily, today, i got all my kuih raya (but no almond london la..) so tomorrow our dedek can enjoy his kuih raya. hup hup horey!!!

p/s: mr daddy, esok tolong bawak dedek pegi gunting rambut ye..rambut dedek dah macam semak samun.. =)

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